Worst Behaved Dog Breeds: Are You Brave Enough to Adopt One?

Worst Behaved Dog Breeds Can ou Train a Terrorizer

When it comes to choosing a furry companion, understanding the worst behaved dog breeds can be crucial for potential pet parents. While every dog has its unique personality, some breeds are notorious for their challenging behaviors. This article aims to provide an in-depth look at these breeds, helping you make an informed decision.

Dog Fighting

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend, but not all breeds come with the same level of obedience and temperament. Understanding the worst behaved dog breeds can save you from future headaches and help you choose a pet that fits your lifestyle.

According to a study by the American Kennel Club, certain breeds are more prone to behavioral issues than others. This article will delve into these breeds, offering insights and expert opinions to guide you.

The Importance of Knowing Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Choosing a dog is a long-term commitment that requires careful consideration. Knowing which breeds are known for their challenging behaviors can help you prepare better or even reconsider your choice. Behavioral issues can range from excessive barking and aggression to destructive chewing and stubbornness.

What Are the Worst Behaved Dogs?

Before diving into specific breeds, it’s essential to understand what constitutes bad behavior in dogs. Common issues include:
– Excessive barking – Aggression towards people or other animals – Destructive chewing – Stubbornness and difficulty in training – High energy levels leading to hyperactivity

Mischief Meter Description

  • Destruction: The dog’s tendency to engage in destructive behaviors, such as chewing, digging, or damaging property.
  • Disobedience: This relates to the dog’s willingness to follow instructions and rules.
  • Mischief: These behaviors, like barking too much, digging excessively, and accessing prohibited objects, are part of a larger category.

Please be aware that these are only general tendencies, and individual dogs may exhibit variations.

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Dog BreedDestructionDisobedienceMischiefDescription
Beagle70%50%80%Strong scent hound instincts lead to chewing and digging. Can be escape artists due to wanderlust.
Jack Russell Terrier80%70%90%Energetic and playful, prone to digging and destructive chewing if bored. Notorious for boundless terrier spirit.
Alaskan Malamute60%60%70%Powerful and independent, can be destructive chewers if not properly exercised. Houdini-like escape artists with a mischievous streak.
Dachshund40%50%60%Stubborn and love to burrow, may chew furniture or dig up flowerbeds. Barking can be an issue.
Chihuahua30%60%70%Can be yappy and territorial, may chew on small items. Stubborn streak and bold personality can lead to mischief.
Chow Chow20%30%40%Aloof and independent, not typically destructive. May be stubborn during training but less prone to mischief compared to others.
Dalmatian50%40%60%Energetic and playful, prone to chewing if not properly stimulated. May jump and counter-surf due to their height.
Siberian Husky60%50%70%Bred for pulling sleds, have high energy and escape artist tendencies. May chew or dig if bored. Vocal communicators.
Bulldog10%20%30%Laid-back and low-energy, less likely to be destructive chewers. Stubbornness can manifest as playful disobedience.
Shih Tzu10%20%30%Gentle and affectionate, not prone to destructive behavior. May be stubborn during training but mischief is minimal.
Pekingese5%10%20%Calm and dignified, with low potential for chewing or digging. Stubbornness can be mild but manageable.
Afghan Hound5%15%20%Elegant and aloof, not interested in destructive chewing. Independent nature may lead to occasional disobedience.
Weimaraner60%50%70%High energy hunting dog with a strong chewing instinct. Needs plenty of training and activity to prevent mischief.

Angelic Faces, Devilish Deeds: Worst Behaved Dog Breeds Revealed

Beagle: The Stubborn Tracker

Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Beagles are known for their incredible sense of smell and tracking abilities. However, this trait often leads them into trouble. Their stubborn nature makes them one of the worst behaved dog breeds when it comes to training. They are also notorious for their loud howling, which can be a nuisance.

Jack Russell Terrier: The Hyperactive Houdini

Jack Russell Terrier Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Jack Russell Terriers are small but mighty when it comes to energy levels. Their hyperactivity can lead to destructive behaviors if not adequately exercised. They are also escape artists, making them difficult to contain within a yard or home.

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Alaskan Malamute: A Challenge for Even the Most Patient Owner

Alaskan Malamute

New dog owners should think about choosing a different breed for their initial pet. While Alaskan Malamutes have a stunning look and independent personality, they can be quite. Despite their attractiveness, they need a skilled handler because of their strong-willed nature and tendency to escape.

Their strong physique and strong hunting instincts can create difficulties in training, leading to possible damage to furniture and eventful adventures.

Dachshund: The Independent Thinker

Dachshund - Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Dachshunds are charming due to their elongated bodies and stubby legs, however, their appearance can be deceiving. They possess a high level of independence and frequently choose not to obey instructions.

Although Dachshunds may appear amusingly small, they can be quite challenging. Their innate hunting instincts make them skilled diggers and vocal alerters, and their persistent nature can make training a battle of determination.

Their long bodies are susceptible to back problems, so it’s best avoid activities that involve jumping. It’s important for owners to be cautious, as a Dachshund’s loyalty may be accompanied by feelings of jealousy and possessiveness.

Chihuahua: The Tiny Tyrant


Despite their miniature stature, Chihuahuas pack a big punch when it comes to personality. Their lively and protective nature can quickly shift from affectionate to confrontational if not properly introduced to new people and environments.

Their fearless attitude can sometimes lead them to take on larger canines, which may result in harm. Furthermore, their compact physique and feisty personality can make housebreaking a daunting task.

Moreover, their tendency to be confrontational with unfamiliar people and other pets can create difficulties when it comes to socializing them.

Chow Chow: Guard Dog Great, Family Dog Maybe?

chow chow

The Chow Chow’s adorable, cuddly appearance has a way of captivating hearts. Their endearing facial features, complete with plump cheeks and expressive eyes, can easily win over even the most devoted feline fan.

However, before bringing one of these charming dogs home, it’s essential to be aware of the potential challenges that come with their unique personality. With their majestic, regal coat, Chow Chows can be fiercely protective of their territory and may exhibit a standoffish demeanor.

Their stubborn nature can make training a trying experience, and their strong instincts to guard and defend can lead to a loyal yet moody companion that bonds strongly with one person.

Dalmatian: The High-Energy Handful

dalmatian dog - Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Dalmatians are known for their striking appearance and high energy levels. However, this energy can translate into hyperactivity and destructive behavior if not properly managed. They require extensive exercise and mental stimulation.

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Siberian Husky: The Vocal Escape Artist

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is undeniably charming but also comes with a side of delightful chaos.

Bred for sledding, their endless energy leads to enthusiastic digging, Houdini-like escapes, and a chorus of howls. Their independent nature makes training a challenge, and their playful chewing can target anything from furniture to your beloved shoes.

While unquestionably stunning, these majestic goofballs need experienced owners who can offer constant exercise and mental stimulation to manage their mischief.

Bulldog: The Stubborn Couch Potato

Bulldog - Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Bulldogs may have a comical appearance, but they can be persistent and strong-willed, often pushing the limits of their pet parents’ patience. Their playful nature and independent spirit can make walks feel like a battle of wills. Despite their loyalty, their stubbornness can lead to amusing yet exasperating situations.

Shih Tzu: The Pampered Pooch

Things You Must Never Do to Your Shih Tzu Dog

Shih Tzus are often pampered by their owners, leading to spoiled behavior. These adorable dogs may look innocent, but they can be quite obstinate, making housebreaking and training a challenge. Their high-pitched barks and persistent begging can be disruptive, and their beautiful regular grooming to prevent matting.

Pekingese: The Regal Rebel


Pekingese are known for their majestic demeanor but can exhibit stubbornness and independence. Dealing with challenges in housebreaking and their tendency to bark excessively may require patience. Their flat faces make it difficult for them to manage their body temperature, which can result in frustration potential aggression during hot weather.

Afghan Hound: The Aloof Aristocrat

Afghan Hound

Heavenly appearance, Afghan Hounds can be a hand due to their strong-willed nature and innate hunting instincts. Their independent streak and high energy levels can lead to a battle of wills when it comes to leash training, and their single-minded focus on the chase can make them stubborn and difficult to handle.

Only experienced owners who can provide a calm and assertive approach to training will be able to tame these beautiful but challenging canines.

Weimaraner: The Energetic Eccentric

weimaraner canine

The Weimaraner’s energetic nature and strong prey drive can lead to chaos if not properly managed. Their high intelligence can sometimes make them difficult to train, cunning to get their way. Additionally, their loyalty can be selective, making it challenging to maintain their focus and attention during training sessions.

Conclusion: Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

Understanding the worst behaved dog breeds is essential for any potential pet owner looking to make an informed decision. While these breeds come with their challenges, it’s important to remember that every dog is unique and can be trained with patience and consistency. If you’re prepared for the commitment, even the most challenging breed can become a loving companion.

In summary, knowing which breeds fall under the category of worst behaved dog breeds can help you prepare better or reconsider your choice altogether. Whether it’s a Beagle’s stubbornness or a Husky’s vocal nature, being aware of these traits will guide you in making an informed decision about your future furry friend. 

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